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Welcome to Sniffany's Pet Spa

Low Stress - All Breed Dog Grooming



Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm

(Before and After Hours Available by Appointment Only)

Contact Me

119 NE 6th Blvd, Williston, FL 32696, USA

(352) 426-9136

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This is Snooke. He and his parents are, by far, my most loyal and favorite clients. He wants to be famous, so SHARE, SHARE, SHARE please.
I've been grooming Snooke for 11 years. He first came to me as a 12 week-old puppy in April of 2009. They followed me all the way from North Fort Myers, Florida to Ocala (3 1/2 hours away). I, absolutely, love that they schedule his grooming around their weekend getaways so that we can all visit. We have become more like family than groomer / customer.
It's building these kind of relationships that makes me love what I do.


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